Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but I am certainly glad to put 2020 behind us.
2020 started off with a bang for me. I received my first book contract for The Mistletoe Contract, and from January 7th through December 31, 2020, it was quite the whirlwind for me.
I learned a lot of valuable lessons, the first one being flexibility. If you know me, I like to keep to a schedule. I list my daily tasks at work and I do the same thing for projects around the house. Of course, if I’m honest, the house projects fell to the wayside. First, it was editing deadlines and then , around the middle of March, I had to start working from home. I admit, I loved working at home-for the first couple of months. But at the year dragged on, so did my optimism.
I had to mentally take a step back, and meditate on all the good things that happened to me this year. So, here is my list:
- I received a book contract from Anaiah Press on January 7, 2020.
- I learned a LOT about the publishing industry – from terminology to what editors are looking for in a manuscript and what I needed to cut.
- My husband didn’t lose his job, like so many I know did.
- I still have my job.
- A short commute from the bedroom to the dining room!
- I was available for my parents.
- I could almost go a month without filling my tank up with gas – that was a huge savings.
- I gained readers for my newsletter.
- I participated in the Christmas Round Robin.
- A book signing at my church.
- I was able to worship with my church family. First at home, and now in person, even though we are socially distanced, there is just something special about corporate worship with fellow believers.
- I finished editing my second manuscript and had a couple of requests for it to be sent for consideration.
- My critique group – we switched from in-person to Zooming once a month.
- My Huddle group from Novel Academy – these ladies are my encouragers and prayer warriors.
And the list could go on! Mostly, I’m thankful for my family and my health. It is important to reflect on all our blessings, even the small ones. One of my favorite worship songs is “We Will Remember”. We Will Remember – Tommy Walker / From “Break Through” (2006) – YouTube
What are you thankful for? What are you looking forward to in this new year?
May this be your best year yet, with unexpected blessings!