2022 in my rearview mirror

The new year is around the corner, and in two days we will close the door on another year. Do you review your goals from the past year? Achievements? Or do you focus on the items still glaring at you on your checklist? Those items not accomplished. Things you wished you would’ve done or couldn’t because, you know, life.

Image by Alex Mercier from Pixabay

Life can be messy. With family obligations, work, kids, activities, and church. Or even a book deadline. The list is endless.

For myself, if I dwell in the land of regrets, I’m more prone to procrastinate. The mentality is “I’ll start that project next week.” Next week arrives and I still haven’t started. Which results in one week turning into two weeks, into a month, and so on. You get the picture. I end up scrolling through websites or social media and have nothing to show for my time spent.

Frustrating, right?

What can we, as writers, do? What if we changed our entire mindset of how we look at the close of 2022? What if we didn’t focus on the unchecked boxes on our to-do list, but we zeroed in on the positive and determined that we could live each day with a more positive mindset?

No regrets.

Okay, so maybe you didn’t make your writing goal for the month of November. How many words did you write? Focus on the words you wrote.

Perhaps you’ve heard from the agent or editor about your submission, and they want you to change a few things. Don’t give in to negative thoughts. Instead, give yourself a high-five, you finished a manuscript! Think about how you can strengthen your story.

No one ever said being a writer was easy. Learning to celebrate the small victories in our personal and professional lives is a monumental step toward contentment.

Here is just one example: My MBT Huddle group is exceptional. We share our burdens, victories, praises, and our daily struggles. I know these ladies are praying for me and I am for them. Support from like-minded individuals is a blessing and I believe one key to staying on track with writing goals.

So, what draws your attention from 2022? All the things you didn’t finish? Or will you find the silver lining in the small victories, the personal goals met?

Remember, give yourself some grace. Focus on what matters but also set reasonable goals for yourself and your writing.

May your 2023 be filled with unexpected blessings and fulfilled writing goals.

Happy New Year!