Author Interview with Mandy Boerma

I would like to thank Mandy for sharing her path to publication with us. Welcome and thanks for sharing!

Jennifer: First question, tell us a little about yourself.

Mandy: I’m a pretty generic person. A Christian, a wife, a mom, a pet owner, coffee lover, and a reader. I love coffee, reading, music, the sunshine and did I mention coffee? My family lives at the beach but we love to travel to the mountains.

Jennifer: I love the mountains too! I actually grew up near the foot of the Catskills in New York State. Tell us a little bit about your story.

Mandy: International hotel manager Ben Carter is back in Hearts Bend, TN to sale the inn he inherited from his grandparents, but things get a little sentimental when he runs into Cami Jackson, a childhood friend who is now a real estate developer wanting to purchase the inn. As a regular guest growing up, Cami has her own memories attached to the property. As they finalize the contact, Cami and Ben realize there is still unfinished business between them. When the contract is challenged, they realize it’s more than the property that at risk.

Jennifer: So what made you want to write, what was the catalyst for your interest in writing?

Mandy: I have always loved writing. I kept journals detailing my life in elementary school. Looking back on those, I realize I was just telling myself stories, and recording dreams. I’m not sure I can pinpoint the exact moment I realized I wanted to be a writer.

Jennifer: I kept a journal too, when I was younger. And reading. I’ve always loved to read and if I didn’t like the ending of a story, I would make up alternate endings! What do you do to prepare for writing?

Mandy: I head over to my favorite coffee shop. Message a few friends, clean out my email, drink some coffee and dive into my story. I’d so much rather write outside of the house, so I’m not distracted by pesky things like laundry, dishes or chores.

Jennifer: I get that. It’s super easy to get distracted with every day things and not focus on the writing process. Do you have a designated place to write? Or do you prefer to write away from your home?

Mandy: I write at a local coffee shop. They have a long bar, and I sit in the last seat, closest to the kitchen. Great music, great coffee, great company, it’s an awesome place to write.

Jennifer: Now that we know you love a good cup of coffee to go along with your writing time, are you a plotter or a pantster? Or a combination of both?

Mandy: I’m a plotter. I’d love to make a plan and stick to it. Although I know there’s room to wiggle in there.

Jennifer: Absolutely. Sometimes the characters I write don’t take the road I’ve mapped out for them! But in the end, I think if we can give our characters that wiggle room, they surprise us with a deeper story. Who was your favorite character to create?

Mandy: In You’ll Be Mine, Myrtle May was my favorite character. I loved creating her personality and quips. Giving her a dog, and having her sing some of my favorite old hymns was a bonus.

Jennifer: I loved Myrtle May! She was hilarious but knew how to drive home a point. One last question: do you have a favorite author or book?

Mandy: Robin Jones Gunn is my all-time favorite author. And really, anything she’s written might qualify as my favorite book.